Raphael Chin.

Web Developer, Data Scientist, Researcher.

About Me

I graduated with a triple major in Honors Data Science, Honors Asian Studies (Chinese), and Statistics from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) at the University of Michigan in April 2023. I am currently a first-year Master's student at the University of Michigan School of Information.

I am currently a research associate at the School of Public Health. Under Prof. Rahul Ladhania, I study the effectiveness of serious gaming as digital vaccines on children's health hygiene formation in India, conduct a scoping review for a study related to serious games, and perform cluster analysis on vaccination data in Aceh, Indonesia. I am also working on projects related to team dynamics, education, and explainable deep learning models. I am also collaborating with Dr. Peter Braden to build a free primary-source sharing platform for humanities and social science scholars. This application should be open for public usage in Summer 2024. In the past, I studied the usage of Cognitive Diagnosis Models to explain team dynamics under the guidance of Professor Gongjun Xu (thesis advisor) and Dr. Robin Fowler (thesis co-advisor). I also studied Malaysian Chinese funeral culture under the guidance of Prof. Benjamin Brose, who was also the advisor for my honors thesis in Asian Studies.

I am interested in deep learning, machine learning, unsupervised clustering methods, human-computer interaction, and higher education. During my free time, I engage in web development (mostly front-end), learn new languages (both human and coding), and, of course, culinary arts! I am also keen on learning more about the field of Humanities, particularly in Asian Religion.

My Skills

Web Development







Conference Paper

Journal Paper

Honors Thesis



Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Computational Statistics

Voluntary Work

"Local Business Going Online" Program

Due to COVID-19, many people realize the importance of e-commerce. By giving your business a website, it makes the job of promoting it online easier. Nonetheless, some people don't have the time to create their website or own the skill to do so. Thus, "Local Business Going Online" is a voluntary program to help these owners to create their basic websites for FREE, so that they can promote their businesses easily online.

Projects Done
Owners Helped
Projects Remaining

Are you a small business owner who needs a website for your business? If so, Contact Me

Contact Me

Ann Arbor, U.S. / Kulim, M'sia

Email: jeonghinbusiness@gmail.com

Let's get in touch. Send me a message: